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Sarah Jessie & her husband Rob Piper are on their anniversary trip in Paris. Sarah loves Robs monster dick so much that she wants to share him with one lucky girl tonight. Me! They want a native French girl and I almost fool them with my accent but I can't keep the gag up and I have to tell them that I'm actually American. I still really want to make their anniversary special so I beg them to let me stay, plus I haven't had a BBC in so long I am craving it! Thankfully they agree and I before I know it my tits are out and her husband is sucking on them while I make out with his hot wife. I can see his huge dick growing in his pants as every second goes by, I can't wait to feel it inside me so I ask Sarah if I can please take it out. Of course she says yes, so I unwrap his hard package to reveal one of the most delicious dicks I have ever seen
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