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If you rent a short term apartment / vacation rental to Hayden be prepared that sperm is going to shoot in all directions :D [a little fantasy time!] In an alternate universe you would be made into a SPERM TOILET to avert this! your body would be immobilized and a funnel would go down in your mouth, the device would be completely transparent so you can see what's going on, your only purpose would be to be a receptacle for Hayden's sperm, can you imagine how horrifying that would be!? ...ok, we would be lying to ourselves if we thought that you think it's horrifying, if you think about being f**ced to be sperm receptacle watching as Hayden's sexy pink penis turns throbbing hard soon to ejaculate a big load of sperm, while you can be basically nothing but a human piece of furniture , it makes you feel mushy and tingly how that hot sperm load will run down your throat, without you being able to do anything about it. We would be lying if we said hat this doesn't make you all tingly
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