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When busty nurses take time out from their duties at DDF Genital Hospital, you know the results are going to be explosive! Tarra White (in the pink) and Dorothy Black get stimulated looking at a muscle man mag, but then shift their attentions to the feminine endowments in their uniforms. Soon theyre rubbing their racks together, sucking on their nipples, and moving downtown for some cunny chow time as this big tits porn video heat up! Tarra rubs her pierced left nipple against Dorothys clit and Dorothy returns the pleasure by kneeling to lick at Tarras twat. Gradually they lose their uniforms so Dorothy can glom onto Tarras 34DD Czech knobs and Nurse White can suck on Nurse Blacks 34D Hungarian beauties. But these girls have more in store, as they take out shiny metal instruments to rub them against their nips in preparation for some serious penetration, and we do mean of the anal variety when it comes to big boobed Dorothy. Watch the metal probes go deep in this big breast s
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