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Hey there guys, Im back and youre right on time, Charlie just happened to stop back by. Ive talked to him a couple of times but I havent seen him since, well the last time. I havent quite figured it all out but I think he has me on some type of schedule because just like the last time he came over he did this late night, early morning thing. Actually its kind of nice, I dont have to deal with him all of the time and when he is here we both know whats going down. I made Charlie a bowl of Fresh fruit. I like to make sure his stays healthy and strong, but Charlie, like most of you guys only had one thing on his mind. Okay, we only had one thing on our minds. I picked the pear up out of the bowl and started licking it as Charlie watched me from behind then I went over to him and we started kissing and caressing each others bodies all over. I kneeled down and started licking him and then I slipped in my warm wet mouth for a suck. I could feel his cock growing in
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