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Angie Emerald, as Jay Dee and Steve Q find out, is handy to have around because of her incredible talent as a cock sucking superstar! The guys are relaxing and the black-tressed Czech sweetie is there to make their relaxation even more complete by taking their big dicks into her pretty face. <br>Right from the git-go Angie goes for the deepthroat gusto as she swallows Jay Dees pecker impressively far into her gullet.<br>But whats even more impressive is that Angie can actually get more of two shafts simultaneously into her lips than many other models. Both logs repeatedly take up lodging in the front of her mouth in this action-packed scene captured in sexy blowjob pics you will long enjoy.<br>Youll really treasure the shot of her looking up at her pals with her big long-lashed green eyes practically popping out of her head as both their tools get comfy in her lips, just before they unload the happy sauce on her tongue! Yes, Miss Emerald is a rare jewel in the oral sex department as sh
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