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Candy Alexa from the Russian Federation is here to dazzle us with her size 6 feet and shapely legs outfitted in a pair of footless turquoise fishnet pantyhose. First we get to study her toes in her backless yellow high heel slides, which contrast nicely to her fire engine red toenails. Then Candy kneels on the bed and starts moving around, flexing her high arches and toes at us, sticking her butt with the turquoise crotch panel at our faces. We get to study Candy from many angles as she moves around her legs and feet, and then she takes off her white halter top and blue denim miniskirt so that she can tantalize us further with her curvaceous 34D-25-36 bod. Sliding her hand underneath the fishnets, she soon peels them off completely from her closely trimmed mound. Then we get a lot of crotch panel teasing and veeg display as Candy tugs the fishnets off with her toes and ultimately presents her feet to us in closeup for our admiration and worshipful spurts!
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