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Joana and Ulrika, two Czech dolls, are enjoying a little lesbian quality time today when they are suddenly interrupted. This is what happens when you dont make sure you locked the back door before getting distracted by your pussies: robbers wearing stockings over the heads come in and tie you up! But these thugs get distracted themselves, because their foot fetishes get the best of them in the presence of Joanas sheer black pantyhose-covered size 7.5 feet and Ulrikas size 9.5 beauties sheathed in flower-pattern stockings. Soon the guys Jamaica and JJ) are glomming on lotsa toe even as the girls are getting their own foot licks in while sucking cock too in this fetish XXX video. Balls get licked while pussies get fucked, and the hosiery comes off so the guys can enjoy the bare sensations of the ladies naked feet. Both dudes are treated to footjob pleasures and soon enough the spunk flows on the toes and the gals hungrily lick it up in this creamy classic.
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