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Although stock wizard Neeo is in his usual hurry to get to work at the financial markets, his stunning spouse Victoria Blaze will not let him escape without a loving blowjob! She takes her marriage vows quite seriously and doesnt just want to be considered a trophy wife! True, Neeo might be dressed for success and about to hop into his vintage Corvette, but Vicky comes into the kitchen only half-attired in her sexiest lingerie and disrupts his coffee with truly fabulous cock sucking! Neeo makes a very heroic attempt to continue imbibing the java he needs to get his motor started, but soon his big dick worshipping wifey has him thoroughly distracted by her balls licking and throat work. So what else is there to do but be a gentleman and put his coffee aside and help her enjoy herself, especially since hes going to get something out of it too! ;) He just hopes he has enough brain cells left after spurting on her tongue so that he can make some advantageous deals later on the trading
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