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Start your week with a with a bang as we revisit Peaches and Caroline Cage as they explore each other's feet in a classic Best of HLF video. Peaches is so cute, and it's easy to see why Caroline fawns over her pink-polished toes in white nylons. I don't know about you, but a cute face above cute feet is a double treat, and that's what Peaches surely offers! Caroline is soon rubbing Peaches' peds over her cleavage, then rubs her own black nylon size nines over Peaches' pink pussy. The soundtrack is filled with girlish moans that could raise a boner in a dead man! We're treated to big closeups of Caroline's toes prodding Peaches' slit, and then we get a spectacular "viewer worship" closeup that shows one of Peaches' soles in the foreground as her other foot gets sucked by Caroline. You'll want to press the pause button to admire Peaches' foot at your leisure!!Soon Peaches is licking the foot that Caroline just used to fuck her. The girls lay back for some foot-69. But then we g
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