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The scene opens with Hungarian honeys Lana & Denise in a large shower room looking quite hot in their bikinis. Their naughtiness is evident as blonde babe Lana starts in on giving a little spank on the pretty brunette Denises bottom from the get go. These girls sensually kiss one another as they slowly untie each others bikini strings and run their hands across each others bodies. They go from tit sucking, to laying down on the pristine white couch bed so conveniently placed in the shower room so they can comfortably get to each others cleanly shaved pussies. They take turns licking each other and bringing out different toys to insert into their juicy wet slits, from a clear rubber dong, to a glass dildo, to a huge purple double dong. Youll be sure to bust a load when you see the close-ups of Lana spitting on Denises ass and pumping her with the clear rubber phallus from behind. If not, then for sure when you see them with the purple double dong as Lana backs up into it, push
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