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When I get in a foot fetish mood, Hrisanta my fellow blonde Russian girlfriend with the sexiest legs in town is the one I call. She just loves to do nasty things with her feet! Well, I just cant resist licking her legs over her stockings when I see her in a sizzling pink bustier, complete with black g-string, thigh highs, and pink strappy heels to match her top. After spending some time admiring her stems, I lay back on the bed and she grinds her heels into my crotch for a good while until I take them off to rub into the wetness seeping through her panties. When I finally get the stockings off and her legs bare, I suck away on her feet, giving each toe special attention from my tongue. She returns the favor and makes sweet foot fetish love to me with such professionalism that I get hornier by the minute. Then we use our feet and toes every which way possible to pleasure each other, from nipples, stretching pink pussy lips, to massaging clits, taking each other to mind-blowing
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