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Take a fantastic journey into the vagina with Simony Diamond as this sultry brunette peels out of her animal-print dress to give us a pussy show par excellence. She starts spreading that clam almost from the git-go, pulling wide her pink lips and our DDF cameras go in close to capture her flowery beauty in enormously detailed closeups.Simony turns around and, bending over, tugs apart her ass as well, so that we can see her shimmering pinkness from that angle while she looms above our faces and tongues; and youll see her asshole in vivid brightness. After she takes off her frock, Simony climbs on the bed and teases us with a bra and panty strip, but always returns to spreading her pussy in closeups that show how incredibly drenched she gets. She splays herself open so we can even see the darkness within her hole, giving you the kinds of views that once were available only to gynecologists! But it all ends with a great closeup on Simonys face too as were reminded that she also has ext
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