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Rose from the Czech Republic pays us a visit and boy oh boy does she ever look fantastic! Laying around in her black bra and panties on a gold bedspread, she gives us a friendly smiling striptease that showcases her 34A-24-35 body from all angles. She licks her fingers and slides them into her invitingly pink and flowerlike pussy, digging deeply into herself with two digits, then turning around to show us her butt at the same time. Sticking her ass in the air, she penetrates her snatch from behind, looking over her shoulder at us with a naughty gleam in her mischievous eyes. Theres something also about the way she gently bites her lower lip that is incredibly sexy--when you go through the scene, youll see exactly what we mean! We also get to enjoy the sight of Roses size 6 feet in her strappy black high heels, even as she continues to rub and cram herself to one climax after another. Do you think our watching her acts like an aphrodisiac on this cute blonde?? True, we're not in the
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