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We get two blondes and two fine sets of tits when Mischa and Allysia mix it up on a bed. They straddle each other and immediately go for the gusto, squeezing their squachies and kissing. Allysia really enjoys sucking on Mischas beauties, and then a long green vibrator comes into play, rubbing between Mischas knockers. Then Allysia crams the toy in Mischas pussy while licking her pierced labia.Allysia really gets into licking the twat while looking us right in the eyes, but this is only the beginning. Soon shes feeding her tits to Mischa in some of the pictorials hottest shots. When Mischas panties come down, Allysia rubs her bells in her companions before bringing the dildo back for more penetration.Allysia gets a blue vibrator for her pussy and cleavage, and then Mischa fucks her by putting the toy in her mouth pushing it back and forth in Allysias clam. Their tits swing and sway as their bodies arch toward climax...a climax youll feel too if you follow along stroke for strok
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