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Today brunette Eufrat and blonde Alexa Bold, both from the Czech Republic, have themselves a pantyhose porn/fun party on a couch. Eufrat wears mostly sheer brown hosiery, while Alexa has tights with a freaky combination of fishnet designs and burst patterns around the crotch panel. Off come their high heels for lots of foot worship through the nylon. Alexa rubs her size 9 peds between Eufrats big-nippled 36B knobs. Getting off the couch and standing up in their tights, they let us see the inventively patterned butt designs on their pantyhose, even as they slide their hands inside for fanny fondling underneath the fabric. The ladies suck quim and lick breasts, and press nylon-sheathed toes against their nude nookies; but eventually the pantyhose get peeled down, so lucky Alexa savors Eufrats size 7.5 soles on the bare, and vice versa. Lots of naked toe sucking ensues as this hot lesbian foot fetish clinch moves to a climax!
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