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Joana from the Czech Republic tantalises us today in her red corset, garters, sheer stockings and kitten heels. As our DDF cameras hover above, this vixen spreads her legs wide and splays her pink lips with her French-manicured fingertips. Then she lounges across the leopard print bedspread and kicks up her legs in a pinup pose. With her heels off, Joana teases us with her size 7.5 soles through the nylons, then stands up and puts her shoes back on as she does a striptease out of her thong, which spotlights her derriere. Once shes back on the bed again in her stocking feet, she fingers herself. But Joana knows what we want here ultimately. She unsnaps her garters and peels down her stockings, letting them linger at her feet until she finally tugs them off. Then she squats on her haunches so we can worship both her bottom and her wrinkled soles and red toenails. Finally showing off her agility, Joana uses her right bare foot to press a glass dildo into her slot, flexing her toes as
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