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Girl meets banana is a classic subject in porn, and its now Lilli Lovess turn to do the honors with mankinds favorite yellow fruit. We come upon Lilli in a barn, where she walks barefoot on the hay in a bucolic halter and skirt before putting aside her wicker picnic basket and playing with her naked nookie and titties. The aforementioned banana soon appears, and Lilli slides it into her mouth to get it wet and ready for her clam. Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture some great shots of Miss Loves lusty lips engulfing the fruit as she pushes it into her girlish depths. She also takes it out from time to time to suck off her tasty inner sauces. Stretching out on the hay, Lili sucks and fucks that banana better than wed guess the cocks of most royalty or movie stars get treated!! Thats one lucky banana. And we're lucky voyeurs, because she even slips her finger into her asshole as an extra bonus for our horny orbs!
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