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Tough girl Dominno tries to steal Sharon Pinks jewelry in a fun bad girl versus rich girl role-play! Tattooed Dominno looks pretty feisty, and she tries to borrow some of Sharons bling when the blonde is asleep in her bed with her jewel box at her side! I guess that makes for happy dreams for Miss Pink! But just as Dominno attempts to remove an expensive ring from Sharons finger, the top-heavy blonde wakes up and soon theyre tussling on the bed, literally pulling hair and grabbing throat. I guess when Dominnos main piece of adornment is a skull necklace that hangs over her cleavage, its understandable why shed envy Sharons glittery ring!But when these two beauties realize that they share 70 inches of tit power between their bras--Dominnos 34Fs plus Sharons 36Hs--they come to a quick lesbian truce! They fondle each other through their boulder-holders, kiss and suck nipples, then get down to the nitty gritty of pussy licking. Its hot to see Sharons long fingers with their
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