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Todays sizzling hot lesbian scene takes place in Las Vegas, where two busty poker bunnies cant wait to start playing with each others shaved pussy! The two hotties Sheila Grant and Dona Bell are restless while waiting for other players to join the game. Meanwhile, the two goddesses enjoy themselves, fondling each other through their tight dresses! They strip down and suck their tits and lick their pussies. We see Donas tongue flicking on Sheilas clit as they rub their snatches together on the poker table, sliding around on the cards and chips. Dona later enjoys lapping Sheilas box, and Sheila returns the favor with her own tongue. The lesbian hotties from Hungary and Romania pour some good drink all over their big titties and slurp those drops off of their hard and puffy nipples. This would be the perfect moment for a titty fuck, as their knockers are already lubed up with some liquid. DDF Networks Full HD scene of the day captures their amazing jugs being sucked. We give you so
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