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Sheila Grant is one fine looking woman. Now that shes a blonde, she may be even sexier than ever! But blonde or brunette, shes got that killer 36D-27-36 body, and a sultry face with grey eyes that grab you right by the balls--plus a sensual mouth youd love to hear releasing moans and groans of satisfaction!Sheila meets us in the bathroom, wearing a skimpy lavender-and-black chemise that shows off her cleavage wonderfully. Thanks to Denys DeFrancesco and his masterful camera crews, we get lots of angles on that cleavage before Sheila finally takes down the bodice and sucks her own nipples. Then she pulls aside her thong and reveals her delectable pussy, before climbing into the tub for some bubbly fun.Sheila pulls her chemise back up so we get some wet fabric action over her tits, but soon she takes it off and gets completely naked. She rubs a bizarre blue plastic double-pronged toy against her jugs, then crams it into her pussy. This leads to some fine shots where Miss Grant leans o
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