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Eve Angel and Zafira team up to entertain us with a pantyhose-and-cucumber show. Did you think lingerie and vegetables didn't go together? First we see this tasty twosome teasing us in their tiny denim skirts and patterned hosiery. Then they lay down on the bed where they lick each others shoes before starting to pay attention to the curvy treasures within their tights. Eve looks sexy and cute munching on Zafiras stockings and squeezing her butt through the material. Then Zafira returns the favor but adds some pussy licking into the mix. The ladies press their stocking feet together then suddenly a few frames later a cucumber appears (those lucky veggies travel in the best circles) and they lick the long green shaft with their eager tongues. Next thing we know Zafira is fucking Eve with the cuke, cramming it with her nylon-clad soles into her pals pudendum. They get into some sixty-nine and then Eve stuffs Zafiras twat with the organic phallus as well. But Zafira is definitely ambi
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