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Today Ms. Teena Lipoldino teases us with her tootsies in flip-flops as she relaxes in her pink short-shorts, blue gingham blouse, and pink cowboy hat! Her toes painted a tomato red, she flexes her 7.5 feet in the sandals so we can see her bare heels and soles as she peels down her clothes and shows off her butt and long legs. She looks over her shoulder at us with a sultry come worship my ass gaze, then stands up on the edge to spread her cheeks and invite us to live out that fantasy by kissing our computer screens! Tina stretches out on the ledge naked, posing in the doggie mode and curling her feet so we can study the inviting plumpness of her bare toes and the exciting slopes of her high arches. Sitting back on the stone ledge, she spreads her pussy even as she sticks her feet close to our faces. By the time you get to the end of this new scene, youll be ready to crawl naked across the gravel for the opportunity to adore the exciting nudity of this young 511 Russian goddess!
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