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Lucia Love and Isla were just paired together in a Hot Legs And Feet set that was so hot that it literally ripped their sheer pantyhose right off. Their chemistry was so intense that we brought them back together to steam up the bathroom with their sexual antics. Both looking absolutely scrumptious in tiny and sheer lingerie, they immediately start kissing and rubbing each others bodies up and down. Your auditory senses will go on overload hearing the heavy ing and sexy moaning as tit and pussy licking ensue. And the sight of Lucias breasts bouncing as Isla laps at her labia from below, is a visual delight. But the girls true fun in the tub is when they bring out a huge glass double dong. They lick it to lube it up and after they take turns pumping each others love canals with the glass shaft in their hand or mouth, they get into doggy with their asses facing each other and stick each end of the toy into their wet slits. The two back into the double dong, butts bumping away, gettin
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