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The legendary Jasmine Black returns in a walk on the kinkier side. The photos and HD video start in the style thats obligatory with Jas, as Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews showcase her humongous hooters as they sway above the lens. Few gals can tower over titmens minds, tongues, and cocks quite as impressively as this 34DD-25-36 Romanian beauty! We get loads of poses--straight on, low angle, and even a few semi-high angle, with Jasmine playing with her magnificent mams, squeezing them together, letting them swing low, and pressing a black vibrator into their cleavage. After she crams the toy in her pussy, thats when things take a turn for the unusual.Jasmine gets out some transparent and, with the vibe still lodged in her snatch, she encases her crotch, legs, head, and torso in it--except for her tits. (Of course she leaves an air hole for her mouth.) Funny, even though her garb is transparent, she does let her boobs hang free over it--satisfying the fetish I wrote about when
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