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Dont miss Angel Rivas as this curvy cutie tempts our cocks with her long legs and delectable feet. She starts by teasing us in her lavender lingerie, but then quickly pulls aside her bra and panties to show us the goods. Her 32B tits are just the right size for any mans mouth, her pussy and asshole are ready for any mans cock, and her feet look perfect for any fetish-mans worship! We get lots of shots of her feet in closeup in her strappy heels, and then she takes off her shoes, sniffs them, and dangles them on her toes. Angel stretches herself across the leopard print bedspread, toys with her thong with her toes, and then fucks herself with an enormous purple vibrator. Thats when Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture just the right angles so we can imagine what it would be like to lick and worship Miss Angels feet while she gets herself off on her powerful toy! Even as her crotch moistens from the vibe action, she never forgets to shove her feet toward our faces. Afterw
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