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Okay ladies and gentleman, you might want to strap yourself into your seats for this one. What your about to see is one of the most gorgeous human beings ever sighted in this part of the universe, in skin tight latex and being just a naughty, naughty girl! Welcome newcomer Tina Kay to the House of Taboo!Words are difficult to come in the description of Tina as her beauty is completely captivating. Beautiful green eyes that peer straight into your soul, silky brown hair with strips of blonde perfectly placed, candy lips, and a body that looks as if it were molded by the gods themselves. All dressed up in latex and popping her booty out for us. Latex thigh high boots and black garters add an extra dimension to her stunning aura, and a mirror makes her double the fun! Literally you could jerk off to her and her twin! Your gonna wish you had two dicks instead of one! She plays with her sweet papaya in the mirror and then suddenly starts leaking, oh my gosh, she just pissed for us! Hurry, h
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