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A new appearance by that British bombshell Paige! This time our tattooed temptress is in a bathroom, preparing for a shower. Slipping off her robe, she shows us her 38F-27-36 form in a navy blue bra and panty set, which she quickly peels down for our delight. Standing in front of a mirror as she strips for us, her tattoos might seem to shift from the right to the left side of her body if youre not paying close attention! But her naked jugs are indeed distracting once they come into view, so firm and full and luscious! Paige also has quite a tasty tush, which our DDF cameras capture in some poses that will make your mouth water--and your hands itch if you like to spank naughty girls, of which Paige is definitely one!!Proof of her naughtiness? No sooner does she get into the stall than shes sucking on an orange dildo fitted to the shower attachment! The toy sprays out water on her knockers and into her snatch, which she quickly crams with the plastic shaft. Then Paige puts the toy asid
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