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That lovely Russian blonde Lola Taylor is in the mood for a throbbing toy today, and she tugs aside her lacy white panties to slip in a shiny silver anal egg which is attached to a remote she can control with her pretty hand. As these nude pics and Full HD erotic video make clear, Lola has an exceptionally beautiful rosebud (as gorgeous in its own way as her extremely photogenic face), and she warms up her bottom with her finger before sliding the egg inside. As she fiddles with the controls, the pleasure spirals from her fanny throughout her entire body, so much so that she has to take a break now and then and pull out the vibe. Licking the toy to lube it up again, she slides it back into her butt for her ultimate pleasure explosion, then looks at us with a sly and mischievous smile that seems to say, My ass simply adores big hard things!
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