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Lovely Sunny with her natural curly hair and milky skin is back and she wants to show you what shes been busy doing this summer. Shes been hanging out at the lake solo. But you know if its Sunny, she wont be lonely, because she knows just how to get nasty by herself! We see her first in an innocent looking dress, but that quickly comes off so she can be nude in public. Shy definitely isnt a word wed use to describe Sunny! As she frolics in the water barefoot, the cool waves lap up against her legs. The warmth of the sun gets her hotter by the second, and unable to take the heat between her legs anymore, she starts fingering herself with wild abandonment. She uses a tree branch in the water as both a seat and masturbation device, sitting back on it while she plays with her clit, laying down on it so she can rub her shaved pussy against it, and then finally bends over with her fine ass pointed straight at you, her dripping pink box peeking from below. Ending with a little tease, s
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