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If you are a connoisseur of beautiful bottoms, you must check out Katia Dé Lys today! What a great way to start the new month. This Cuban babe shows off her stunning seat first underneath a tight purple minidress, sticking her behind at us as our DDF cameras shoot upward to give her that looming ass goddess look. As she lifts up the hem of her frock, we see the black thong which, with its galaxy of white polka dots, bisects her amazing cheeks like a starry strip of outer space. Katia gets on her knees and juts out her butt doggie style, then pulls aside her thong and sticks her left forefinger snugly into her rosebud! Standing up again, then laying down, she gives us more fantastic views of her fanny, occasionally sticking her digit back in; but then, when she stands to remove her thong, we truly see in all its splendor the firm roundness of her astounding derriere. She squirts white lotion on her hands to get those globes shiny, then she bends over and plunges her finger inside once
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