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Cayenne Klein has drifted away from the office party for a few minutes to check some things on her tablet. Shes so dedicated to her work--maybe too dedicated, Mugur thinks, as he drifts into the room with a bottle of champagne and some noisemakers. He puts a smile on Cayennes face and shortly thereafter his penis into her mouth. Thats life for this outgoing babe magnet! Cayenne forgets her work and kneels in front of his slacks, quickly taking his long thick inches into her face. She opens up her top so she can feel her titties free as she leans over her friends meat and sucks it deeply into her throat. She drips her saliva all over the shaft to give it that extra-raunchy, slurpy feeling as she continues to ring in 2013 with throbbing gristle across her tongue. She laps at the tip, then moves her lips and teeth along the length of the log. And she looks at US most of the time, because not only is Cayenne a hard worker at her job, but an exhibitionist when it comes to blowjobs! Mugu
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