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Lets welcome back Vanda to our site! Since she debuted here in November 2012, shes also done hot scenes for our step sister sites OnlyBlowjob.com and HandsonHardcore.com, so shes been a busy babe indeed! Today the slinky Hungarian blonde does a striptease out of her black dress, showing us her light blue bra, matching corselette, panties, garters, and beige stockings. Peeling down her underpants, she reveals her plump shaved peach, and then takes off her bra to share with us her lovely 34A titties. Standing in a doorway half-undressed like this, perched on her black slingback heels, she looks like a calendar pinup girl come to life! But she keeps going with the strip, dropping her panties to her ankles so she can squat and play with her pink pie, slowly sliding off her stockings until we can see her bare toes, and ultimately taking off everything but then replacing her shoes and posing for us in all her delightful nakedness, kneeling and sticking her butt out for wonderful doggie st
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