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Peasant girl Jess West has fallen asleep in the barn when the owner of the farm, Kane Turna, happens upon her. Hes in a good mood, having just completed a walk around his property, satisfied with the extent of his holdings. Munching on some meat, he prods the girl awake, and she is happy to see the lord of the manor because she has long had her sights set upon him. Soon enough hes sharing his food and his cock with her, as this wild girl kneels before him demonstrating her deepthroat skills in this hardcore XXX video! Kane licks her pussy in turn, and then plunges forth into its wetness with his shaft, and hes such a cool customer that the big hat hes wearing doesnt fall off in the excitement until he takes it off himself. Jess is so grateful for the pleasure hes giving her that she licks his butthole and before getting into the doggie position on the barrel so he can give her more cunny-licking enjoyment. She wants more of his sausage, however, so she gets him on the barrel, lic
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