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Surely youve heard of the Hippocratic Oath, the ethical guidelines which physicians follow. But have you heard of The Hornycratic Oath that Dr. Mugur follows? Athina goes to Dr. Mugur for a routine checkup of her pressure, heartbeat, and lungs, but her bra keeps slipping down, which immediately captures the attention of Mugurs eyes as well as his wandering healers hands. And of course all this leads to a diagnosis that this beautiful raven-haired hottie needs her temperature taken with his personal meat thermometer, which can only give the proper reading of her body heat by being inserted deep into her mouth. Athina kneels, she sucks, she licks his sac, and then the healing lotion spurts out for her to lick up as a preventive measure. Preventing what? Preventing Dr. Mugur from getting blue balls that day! ;) See it all in sexy blowjob pics!!
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