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That gorgeous Hungarian blonde Brandy Smile is here with redheaded Michelle from the Russian Federation, and theyre both up to some heavy duty teasing right in front of our horny foot-lovin eyes! Both girls are dressed in knee socks in addition to their skirts, shorts, and blouses, and as they disrobe and enjoy their equally matched size 7.5 feet, we have to jack off! These girls wanna know that we ACHE for their toes both in their socks, and then out of em! We have to watch attentively like good boys and pull our puds as these two beauties lick their pussies and stick their bare soles in our direction, or rub against their snatches with their peds. Brandy in particular has such delectable French-pedicured toes, and you just know they would look so good with a few splashes of sperm...but its not to be, because theyre teasing us, and we have to cum all over our own bellies instead as they enjoy all the toe sucking themselves and keep teasing us and TEASING US like the kinky kitties
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