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For many people, shoes are a big part of the fascination for feet and legs, and we see a good example of that today when Vanda Lust from Hungary (in the red-purple pumps) and Lindsey Olsen from Russia (in the beige ankle strap footwear) go wild not only on each others size 7.5 toes, but also on the shoes, using them as sex toys in this fetish XXX video that gives you all the toe sucking, foot worship, and high heels you could ask for! The ladies lick at their prettily pedicured toenails, as well as suck and lap at the long heels of their shoes. They dont stop licking the heels even when the shoes come off, although now the shoes can also be used as dildos in their pussies as well. Vandas pumps with their pretty bows are particularly alluring to both ladies, as they sniff and suck them before laying across the bed, pressing their soles against each other, and masturbating with the heels of those delectable shoes which look as tasty as candy!
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