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How do doctors and nurses keep their mental and emotional balance under the pressures of their jobs? Well, lets take a peek behind the closed office doors of DDF Genital Hospital once again, where Nurse Henessy gets her tensions relieved by the loving care of handsome young Dr. Marcus Gomez. Some dropped X-rays lead to the nurse bending over and tantalizing the physician, who understands that her needs, as well as his own, must be immediately satisfied so their patients in the wards may receive the finest and most clear-headed medical ministrations possible. Yes, those patients, no matter their level of distress, must WAIT to be treated while the nurse sucks the doctors cock, has him eat and fuck her pussy, and then takes his dong soooo deeply in her ass in the doggie and cowgirl positions. Soon enough the healthy Hippocratic love lotion spews out of the docs dick onto her anus, and they both can return to their patients as this hardcore XXX anal porn video creams to a close.
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