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Dominica Phoenix, a lovely newcomer to our site, is here the assistant of two businessmen, played by Choky Ice and Totti. Bringing them some liquid refreshments, she accidentally spills something on Tottis pants. As she kneels to wipe up the results of her clumsiness, Choky snaps a photo of her on his phone. At first aghast at the sleazy implications of the photo, Dominica then changes her tune when she realizes her employers have two of the largest and sturdiest big dicks in the business district. She moves back and forth with her pretty green-eyed face from Totti to Choky, even trying to put both shafts in her mouth when she isnt busy sucking them or jacking them individually. They pull out her tits to increase their enjoyment, too. Dominica alternately kneels before the guys or places them on the desk, controlling their cocks with her beautifully manicured and constantly stroking hands. It all ends happily in a double gooey mess all over her tongue that drips down to her pretty ti
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