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Yep, shes back! Lucie Wilde, who quickly skyrocketed to the top of many of your personal hit parades when she made her first solo appearances on our site, returns today in her first hardcore scene which were so excited about that were releasing it across the DDF Network to share with all our members. A lucky young chap named Argo is the recipient of her alluring attentions, as Lucie wakes him up in the morning with a blowjob and balls licking. Soon hes got her sweet 32F teen knockers out of her boulder-holder, feeling her up while she continues to suck his shaft. You are right there as Lucy kneels over his meat, sticking her pretty bottom upwards and then leaning over so that her bells swing back and forth while he takes her in doggie style. Laying across the bed, Lucie gives us a great view of her rack underneath her innocent face as she takes tool from Argo in the spoon position, her soft sacks shifting downward toward the sheets. Putting Lucie on her back, Argo lifts her crotch
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