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Its shower time for Lola today, and the amazonian Czech blonde (511 barefoot!) is feeling frisky in the shower stall as she lathers up, squirting her 36H glands with lotion and rubbing it in until her gorgeous rack shines before us. She hefts her bells up, her huge brown nipples gleaming, and then she washes off the soap until it pours down toward the drain. Closing the shower door, Lola presses her paps against the glass for some truly teasing views, with our DDF cameras shooting upward as she looms with her bosomy beauty above. Lola mischievously flicks her tongue on her lips, then opens the shower door and stands in all her regal shapeliness against the tiled wall, before turning on the H2O once again to show us yet more views of how beautiful her big natural boobs look when theyre shimmering under torrents of spray. Sitting on the floor, she gives the spray attachment a titty fuck, and then we get great bonus views of her drying off with fluffy blue towel in her spectacular Ful
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