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Curvy and stacked Jasmine Jae is in the mood for a handful of man, and she sees a lot of potential in nerdy bespectacled Mugur, even though he clings to his laptop like a security blanket. However, as soon as this British bird drops to her knees and sticks out that tongue for tool, slurping his inches with drooling saliva, he seems willing to submit to her brazen actions. Jas demonstrates her deepthroat capabilities in this hardcore XXX video even as she gives us vertiginous cleavage peeks from her position on the floor below the camera. Soon this wild girl gets Mugur on the bed, and hes plowing away at her pussy even as her 34DD tits come out of her bra and fully into our view. Lots more oral action ensues as this wild girl swallows his sausage even as Mugur dives his face into her shaved pie. Alls well that blasts well, as our once-reluctant hero unloads his creamy shipment all over her pink and waiting clam.
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