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Enter the scarlet world of one of the most edgy fantasies in the human mind...where one man willingly puts himself in the subservient position as his stern mistress has sex with her lover right there in front of him. Were talking about the cuckold fantasy, and our daring team of DDF photographers brings it to life as Hank Rack, who has Cum Eating Cuckold tattooed across his torso, finds himself a plaything to the whims of his princess Mira Cuckold (whose name leaves no question about her intentions). Watch Mira put him in a metal chastity device, silence him with a ball gag, slap his face and give his ass a spanking, among various exercises of her cruelty. Then her alpha male stud Mike Angelo arrives. She bends over to suck him, then rides him cowgirl in her asshole, while her cuckold Hank laps at her pussy, bungie, and high heeled boots, leading to a climax where he lays underneath Mira and Mike as she takes tool in her tush once again. Mikes load spurts out on Miras only millime
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