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When you mix two of the tastiest Hungarian foot models (Zafira and Brandy Smile) with one of the most gorgeous Russian toe queens (Lucy Heart), you get a feast of feetsies that you will long remember as these equally matched beauties (all size 7.5) indulge in a lush lesbian foot fetish triangle! So check it out as Zafira and Lucy relax on the couch but then get sidetracked into some toe-rockin action when Zafira begins admiring Lucys multi-hued pedicure. Sure looks like shes got some carnival- colored candy toes there and Zafira cant resist checking em out. Soon Lucy is rubbing her soles on Zafiras quim through her pink panties, just as Brandy enters the scene with her own multi-toned tootsies. Maybe Zafira is a little regretful that she only got a pink polish pedicure herself at the local salon, but no worries as her sapphic friends let her enjoy their bright toenails even as they all engage in a continuous chain of kissing, tonguing, and licking that moves from toes to twats to
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