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Brunette Valentina Nappi and blond Lucy Heart come home from a shopping trip, but what they dont know is that theyve interrupted stocking-faced burglar Nick Lang whos been prowling through their bureau drawers!<br>Oblivious to the fact that hes now hiding behind the curtains, they review their purchases--some colorful swimsuits. Valentina tries hers on, and wow does she look great in it! Lucy is about to model hers, when they discover Nick in their midst.<br>Valentina knocks him out with a heavy glass vase, but soon the girls realize how hung he is, and that perhaps they might make an attempt at rehabilitation of this misguided criminal!<br>These wild girls try to re-integrate him back into law-abiding society by sucking his cock, sitting on his face, riding his dick while they feel each other up, double-teaming for oral on his shaft and balls, engaging in a daisy chain as they lap each other and get licked by Nick, and Lucy giving him her asshole while she sucks on a vibrator held b
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