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Two of the tastiest big tits tomatoes from Great Britain, the 34H brunette bombshell Leanne Crow, and the 34I (as in aye-aye-Captain!!) blonde Delzangel, are having a titty shaking good time in the whirlpool one sunny afternoon, and our photogs are there to capture it with the DSLR camera craftsmanship youve come to rely on from DDFBusty!Watch the ladies enjoy their mimosas as the swirling water laps at their racks. Taking down their tops to unveil their udders, the ladies relax and show off their gazongas with the water drenching every curve and nipple. Standing under a mini-waterfall, they let the splashing spray dapple their dugs. Then Leanne stretches out on the side of the pool, looking like a lounging Venus or an ancient queen awaiting the feathered fans of her attendant slaves.But that water looks so good and Delzangel seems to be enjoying it so much that Leanne gets back into the drink, pouring water over her paps for some titty play. Our cameras come in tight to capture the s
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