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Luke Hotrod has some voracious wanton fantasies about him and his hot girlfriend Ava Koxxx. The brunette British bombshell relaxes on her bed, reading a magazine, when he walks in. They actually wanted to leave for a party and he is all dressed up. Ava wears some hot lingerie and luscious nylon covers her endless stunning legs. Her sexy feet are hidden in high heels and Lukes mind goes nuts the moment he starts stroking her silken calves. He takes off her shoes and plays with them while inhaling that beguiling scent of her soles. While Ava lies on her tummy, he bends her legs and starts sucking her toes, providing some intense foot licking, which turns her on like crazy. She cant wait to give that nylon lover some footjob. He slides his hard rod in and out her foot soles and enjoys the sensation of her gentle touches of her nylon covered feet. Ava then rides his cock like a cowgirl before he pleases her cunny spoon style. Luke peels off her nylons from her hot legs and takes a sniff
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