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George is a horny hubby and loves to bang that blonde babes tasty twat day by day! Kiara Lord loves him and cant wait to get that dong up her cunny today! The two are enjoying the afternoon on the couch in the livingroom when George starts kissing that beautiful Hungarian college hottie. He plays with her natural tits and squeezes her hard nipples. Then, he slowly slides his bare hand into her pants and feels her wet box. That shaved pussy smells so tantalizing and he cant wait to cram that cunny with his tongue! While Kiara spreads her endless legs and gives way to his warm tip of the tongue, she already dreams of that hard prick inside her crotch. Foreplay is the most important part to George and Kiara gets all wet while he gives her some ass licking and fingers her pink box. She returns the favor and takes his tool down her eager mouth for some cock sucking. George enjoys her blowjob and starts fucking her gently in doggy style position. The scene heats up and he spoons her on th
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