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This week we found the cutest Asian chick, and we thought it would be fun to take her to a nude beach where she can run around naked and play with her twat for us and get a nice view while were at it. So that’s what we did, but there was a catch. A fresh catch to be exact we found a Cuban exile on his raft trying to get back to Miami. So we became good Samaritans and tried to rescue him and welcome him to Miami. Little did Miako our hot Asian babe know, but that exile was none other than the famous Ramon so we convinced her to give this unknown survivor a blow job and fuck him on his raft that he used to escape communistic tyranny and miles of treacherous shark infested waters. The joke was hers when she saw that our Marialito was packing some major Cuban Sausage. That made her all too eager to welcome him to America by fucking him hard and letting me tape it. At the end of course we had to let her in on the joke. After all isn't funnier when you finally tell the punked that they've be
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