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Yo this week I was hanging out on a Saturday bored as hell not doing anything. I was laying in bed when I got a call from an old friend. Her name is Britney Stevens; she had just finished her shift at the strip club, and she had spent the night dancing and getting hammered. She told me she was in the mood for some Big Cock, because all the boys in the club were butt ugly, and she didn't want that kind of action. I told her it would be tricky, because Ramon likes to fish on his Saturdays off and relax. She didn't want to take no for an answer so I told her if she lets him do anal that he'll come along. So on the way to the docks, I had her suck my cock, as a nice little appetizer before the main course. When we got to Ramon, he didn't look too happy to see us. He had his rod in his hand, and a hot dog in the other (no pun intended). He said he didn't want to go, but as soon as I mentioned there would be anal, he quickly changed his mind. Plus that salty kiss she planted on his lips (
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