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A lot of big things happened this week in Miami Beach, for the most part there was the Exotica Convention. That was hot! But there was another thing making waves down here, Rachel roxxx! That's right she's here this week and we thought of some deviously fun things to do with her. For one we set her up on a blind date with this guy, Luis. He's a male dancer a.k.a stripper. Yeah this time we turned the tables on the Pornstar. So we took them out at our expense and paid for their date. They had some fun activities , like playing pool and eating sushi at a seaside cafe, best of all we took Rachel to a strip club so she can strut her Luscious ass for us to enjoy. What an amazing ass let me tell you, she's got it going on back there and a whole lot more. Sweetest pussy too, like sugary candy that just melts when your tongue makes contact. But besides all that we just wanted her to have fun and to see if a normal guy like Luis can do the unthinkable....CAN HE SCORE!?
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